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3 Types of Neuropathy and How to Treat It

3 Types of Neuropathy and How to Treat It

Neuropathy refers to damage that occurs anywhere in the vast network of nerves traveling through your body. The pain and other symptoms caused by neuropathy seldom respond well to most conventional treatments. As a result, neuropathy often becomes a chronic condition that disrupts your daily life.

If you struggle with neuropathy, you owe it to yourself to meet with the team at Infinity Regenerative & Neuropathy Center. As neuropathy specialists, they offer comprehensive care, easing your symptoms and supporting nerve healing with today’s most advanced and innovative treatments.

Here’s what you need to know about three types of neuropathy successfully treated at Infinity Regenerative & Neuropathy Center.

Peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy includes all the nerves outside your brain and spinal cord. There are many possible reasons these nerves become damaged, including:

Though all damaged nerves can cause pain, you experience other symptoms depending on the nerve that’s damaged.

Sensory nerves pick up information about pain, temperature, pressure, and other senses and transmit that information to your brain. These nerves cause pain, tingling, burning, and numbness.

You receive messages from your brain to your muscles carried by motor nerves. As a result, they cause symptoms like muscle weakness, muscle loss (atrophy), and cramping.

Autonomic neuropathy

The autonomic nerves are also peripheral nerves but have the unique job of controlling all the vital functions that support your ability to live and stay healthy. For example, they control your heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and digestion.

Identifying autonomic neuropathy is often challenging because you can have many different symptoms. For example, you may have:

Autonomic neuropathy also arises from many possible causes, but the most common by far is diabetes.

Proximal neuropathy

Proximal neuropathy occurs when the nerves in your hip, buttock, and thigh are damaged. This type of neuropathy usually affects just one side of your body. Though rare, it can involve both sides. Like autonomic and peripheral neuropathies, the top cause of proximal neuropathy is uncontrolled diabetes.

If you have proximal neuropathy, you experience sudden, severe pain in the hip, buttock, thigh, or all three. You may also have muscle loss and weakness in your leg.

Treating neuropathy

We begin by thoroughly reviewing your medical history, performing a physical exam, and completing diagnostic testing. If we discover that an underlying health condition contributes to your neuropathy, it’s important to treat that condition.

Peripheral nerves generally have the ability to heal, but they often need advanced treatment and management options that are appropriate for your condition. 

As experts in supporting nerve healing, we offer clinically proven protocols that can help restore your nerves, ease your symptoms, and give you the ability to return to a thriving life.

If you suffer from neuropathy, don’t wait to seek compassionate care at Infinity Regenerative & Neuropathy Center in Plano, Texas. Call or request an appointment online today.

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