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Myths and Facts About Erectile Dysfunction

Myths and Facts About Erectile Dysfunction

Men often put off getting help for erectile dysfunction (ED). They may feel uncomfortable talking about the problem or they may hope that it clears up without needing to see a doctor.

But it’s worse to keep worrying about your performance, especially when you can get effective treatment and confidential care from our team at Infinity Regenerative and Neuropathy Center.

As we talk with men, our team often hears ED information that’s grounded in misleading myths. Here, we debunk the top six ED myths:

Myth 1: Very few men struggle with ED

Fact: Men don’t hang out talking about ED because it’s such a personal and embarrassing problem. But not talking about it makes each man feel like he’s alone and must be one of the very few with ED. So let’s put that myth aside.

The fact is that at least half of men in the United States between the ages of 40-70 have struggled with ED. 

Myth 2: ED is a normal part of aging

Fact: While it’s true that ED is more common as you get older, you should never shrug it off and accept it as a normal part of aging. Healthy men can expect to stay sexually active until 75 years or older.

Staying in good health is the key because chronic health conditions and naturally declining hormones are the main reasons age raises your risk for ED.

Myth 3: ED doesn’t affect younger men

Fact: This myth goes hand-in-hand with Myth 2. So many people think ED is a problem for older men that they’re shocked when they face the problem at a younger age. At the age of 40, roughly 40% of men have ED

The thing to remember is this: ED is treatable at every age.

Myth 4: Relationship problems cause ED

Fact: There are many reasons for ED. You may be going through a hard time with your partner, lose the desire, and suddenly not be able to have an erection.

Other emotional and mental health issues also get in the way. For example, being depressed, stressed, or anxious for any reason (unrelated to your partner) can cause ED.

Lifestyle habits like smoking cigarettes and drinking too much alcohol affect your ability to have an erection. Additionally, many health conditions can lead to ED, including:

If you have undiagnosed diabetes, you’re three times more likely to have ED compared to men who don’t have diabetes.

Many men are surprised to learn that obesity is associated with a 50% increase in ED compared to men who maintain a healthy weight.

Myth 5: ED poses a threat to my health

Fact: ED commonly affects men’s self-esteem and leads to a range of emotions or mental health problems from embarrassment and shame to depression.

On its own, ED doesn’t threaten your physical health. However, ED is a red flag alerting you to other health conditions, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Vascular disease is one of the top causes of ED. Like other arteries in your body, cholesterol can build up in the arteries carrying blood to your penis. That’s a problem because you need a good blood supply to have an erection.

If you have fatty plaque in the penile arteries, there’s a good chance you have the same problem in other arteries. As a result, ED is a strong indicator of coronary artery disease and peripheral artery disease.

Myth 6: I have to take medication to treat ED

Fact: Though medications work for many men, we offer natural alternatives that effectively treat ED without potential side effects. Some men need bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for their ED. We also offer the all-natural Priapus Shot®.

We have helped many men overcome ED with the Priapus Shot, an injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) that improves penile circulation, makes their penis stronger and larger, and increases sensation.

If you have any questions or need help with ED, call Infinity Regenerative and Neuropathy Center or book an appointment online today.

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